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Showing posts from December, 2020

Getting Started

Introduction  Hi! My name is Michelle and I’m a 3rd grade teacher in Northern Virginia. I am working to renew my VA teaching license this coming year in 2021 and have decided that this is the perfect time to truly reflect on my own practice as an educator, and of course continue to learn from other teachers in the field. Hence why I created this blog! This is my 7th year teaching and first ever school year teaching 100% virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Crazy times we are in right now.  Intentions for this blog space  My hope for this blog is to create a space where I can collect and share interesting and helpful tips/tricks from educators as most of us are all navigating this virtual learning space. As of right now, most teachers in the elementary school where I work, are teaching virtually and the plan from our district is to continue phasing in classrooms into the building at a 50/50 hybrid model. The class that I’m currently teaching has elected to stay fully virt...